4 Different Types of Cloud Computing: An Overview

What is Cloud computing? Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, particularly data storage and processing power, without the user’s direct active supervision. Large Clouds frequently distribute their functions across several sites, each of which is a data center. Instead of employing local servers or individual devices to host applications, Cloud computing […]

7 Must Have AWS Security Services For Your AWS Infrastructure

Written by – Manish Juneja Cloud Security refers to protecting cloud resources and facilities stored over the internet from various data breaches, cyber-attacks, ransomware attacks, DDoS attacks, Etc. Cloud Adoption is still a whole new concept for many businesses leads and entrepreneurs, so whenever any customer or lead is up with a plan for a cloud transformation, […]

Truths, Facts, & Myths About Cloud Adoption by Universities

Cloud Adoption and Universities Using Cloud Universities in the information age employ modern information technology (IT) to meet the needs and expectations of their students. Universities must structure themselves according to current IT demands and technologically refresh themselves. Cloud computing is one of the most well-known new technologies these days. This technology has several applications […]

How to Deploy Lambda From Local to AWS Using Serverless?

What is Serverless? Serverless computing, serverless in short, is a deployment and execution model for cloud providers like AWS, Azure, GCP, etc. is responsible for running the applications locally and testing them, and keep ready for production deployment. Typically, serverless apps are being run inside a stateless container by the cloud providers, which can be […]

The Telemedicine Era Is Upon Us And Cloud Is Powering It

Let’s imagine that the world was amid a marathon race. Suddenly, the rules change. The race is now a sprint, and we must adapt, whether we like it or not. Ever since the pandemic wave swept through the world, the healthcare sector has been going through the same situation. Across the world, hospitals and healthcare […]

Ensuring CI/CD success – Importance, Challenges and Best Practices

Today, Product Innovators and developers are aware of the concept of DevOps and are utilizing it to deliver products at a better pace. However, catering to the need of time and the rate at which the demand for these products is growing, having a faster delivery with better upgrades makes the lifecycle slow. This is critical because […]

Cloud Technology and Banking: Financial and Banking of the Future

For most of us, bank visits have been a tiring task. Age-old working modules, processes, and legacy systems are a few things that increase the difficulty for every customer visiting banks. Traditional systems, segmented databases, and local branches constricted the banking industry for decades. But that’s not the case anymore. The new landscape and difficulties […]

8 Benefits Of Cloud Computing For The E-Commerce & Retail Sector

The exhaustive task of managing, storing, and analyzing data makes businesses opt for cloud technologies. The shift to the cloud allows these businesses to manage and process data for real-time insights effectively. To fulfill the growing demand and stay competitive, retailers must extend their reach to customers with multiple stores and manage the entire supply […]

All About On-Premise to AWS Migration

Did you know you can migrate any workload like – websites, applications, databases, storage, and physical or virtual servers from an on-premises environment to a public cloud like AWS? An entire data center, too, can be migrated to AWS. Businesses have gained immensely by moving from on-prem to AWS in terms of leveraging AWS experience […]