Rapyder Re-Engineers AWS Infrastructure for MilEarth

About The Client

Milearth is an Ed-Tech organization that empowers communities and people everywhere to use technology to realize their dreams. They promise to deliver technology solutions that help them do and achieve more, whether at home, work, school, or anywhere in the world. It was set up in 2016 and has grown rapidly in the field of educational technology solutions. With its well-researched strategies, educational services, and efficient execution, Milearth stands out from similar providers with passion, determination, enthusiasm, and quality. With an exceptionally talented pool of employees continuously looking to challenge their limits, it is poised to become a leading player in technology solutions.

The Challenge

Milearth’s flagship product, MilGrasp, aims to help the progressive development of all the entities associated with a school, i.e., School Administrators, School Teachers, Parents, and Students, by simplifying technology and bringing everything one needs into their pocket. This solution was deployed on AWS LightSail using single-tenant architecture. The deployment was done on separate servers for each client they were supporting. They were looking to make this existing solution more scalable with High-availability multi-tenant architecture to support all their clients with the same single infrastructure. The solution was also highly scalable, along with provisioning for content delivery and server caching with the ability to program code to deploy on the server on every commit they maintained in Code Commit.

The Solution

The Cloud Consultants of Rapyder conducted a detailed study of the customer’s application. They designed the right solution and configuration that could support the seamless functioning of the application to overcome the challenges mentioned above. The consultants of Rapyder proposed the following solution to achieve the desired results:

  • Amazon EC2 server was provisioned, and all the requirements were carried out.
  • Route53 was used for DNS pointing.
  • RDS was created on a private subnet and restored with SQL dump.
  • Servers were behind ELB and in the auto-scaling Group for high availability and scalability.
  • Auto-scaling launch configuration was created and deployed with a script to fetch code on every new server launch.
  • Lambda code was written to copy the code from AWS code commit repository to the server whenever on every commit. For high security, the Lambda function was created within the same network.
  • AWS Redis is used for providing a central server cache so as not to lose the session cache.
  • AWS CloudFront was implemented for content delivery and restricted bucket only to CDN for better security.

The Benefits

  • Deployment of code was automated, reducing the time to market.
  • Auto-scaling reduced the time and manpower required for managing the server monitoring task.
  • The client was able to commit many changes to the code at any time.
  • Security was enhanced by restricting access only through CloudFront. SSL certificate was applied on the load balancer.

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